Ultimate Productivity Tips to Better Performance at Work

Do you want to get more done in less time and achieve your goals faster? If so, you are not alone. In today’s fast-paced and competitive environment many people struggle with productivity and efficiency at work. But don’t worry, there are some proven strategies and techniques that can help you improve your productivity and performance at work. Here are some of the top productivity tips that you can apply today to boost your output and results.

Tips to boost productivity at work

1. Stop multitasking

Multitasking is one of the biggest productivity killers. Opposite to popular belief, multitasking does not increase productivity. In fact, it reduces focus, attention, and quality of work. It also increases stress, errors, and waste more time. Researches tell, multitasking can lower IQ by 10 points and reduces productivity by 40%. Therefore, to be more productive, stop multitasking and start focusing on one thing at a time. This will help complete tasks faster and better.

2. Set small goals for productivity

Second tip is to set small and specific goals for each task or project. Having a clear and defined goal will help stay motivated, focused, and organized. It also helps in tracking progress and celebrate achievements. To set effective goals, use the SMART technique. It says a goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of “I want to finish this presentation”, say “I want to create 15 slide of this presentation by 10 am”. This gives a clear direction and deadline for the task.

3. Prioritize your tasks

Not all tasks are equally important. Some are more critical than others. Therefore, prioritize the tasks according to their impact and urgency. This can help stay focused on more important task and can avoid wasting time on low-priority tasks. To prioritize the tasks, various techniques are available such as MoSCoW. Do the critical tasks first (Must), plan the not so urgent tasks for later (Should), park the not so important tasks if possible (Could), and don’t do or minimize the neither urgent nor important tasks (Wont).

4. Use online tools

Use technology to your advantage to increase productivity. With the ease of availability it can boost productivity if used wisely. There are many online tools available (many of them free) that can help simplify workflow, automate repetitive tasks, organize information, build collaboration, and manage time. For example, Asana can be used to create and assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate. Using Google Calendar can help to schedule meetings, set reminders, and sync with other mobile apps. Use Evernote or Google Keep to take notes, multimedia, and remotely access them from any device. Use Grammarly to check spelling, grammar, and tone of writing.

5. Take breaks to boost productivity

Taking breaks might seem un-productive, but it is essential for productivity in the long. Working for long hours without rest leads to fatigue, boredom, and stress. This can negatively affect performance, creativity, and health. Taking regular breaks helps in recharging energy, refresh mind, improve mood, and boost productivity. Research suggests that productivity is best when every hour of work is followed by a 15 minutes of break. During these breaks, do something relaxing or enjoyable, such as stretching, meditating, listening to music, reading a book or blog, or chat with a friend.


In summary, productivity is not just doing more things in less time. It is about doing them in right way at right time. By applying these tips, anyone can improve efficiency and effectiveness at work and achieve more with less.